Beginner's Guide to Building a Basic Blue-Eyes Deck in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Core Cards
- Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3: The heart of the deck, used for beatdown and as material for fusions and synchros.
- The White Stone of Ancients x3: Enables quick special summoning of Blue-Eyes from the deck.
- Sage with Eyes of Blue x3: Searches for level 1 Light tuners and helps to summon Blue-Eyes.
- Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon x2: Can be special summoned by revealing a Blue-Eyes in your hand and can destroy a monster once per turn.
- Nebula Dragon x3: Helps in summoning high-level dragon monsters.
- Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3: Essential hand trap for negating opponent's plays.
- The Melody of Awakening Dragon x3: Searches for Blue-Eyes and other high-level dragons.

Support Spells and Traps
- Return of the Dragon Lords x3: Special summons a Level 7 or 8 dragon from the graveyard and provides protection.
- Dragon’s Mirror x2: Enables fusion summoning by banishing monsters from the graveyard.
- True Light x2: Allows continuous summoning of Blue-Eyes from the hand or graveyard.
- Skill Drain x3: Negates the effects of all face-up monsters on the field.
Extra Deck
- Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1: A powerful fusion monster that can attack multiple times.
- Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon x1: Can attack twice and banish any monster it cannot destroy.
- Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon x1: Protects your dragons from card effects and can revive a normal monster every turn.
- Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon x2: Limits special summons and can tag out into other synchro monsters.
- Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis x2: Provides strong removal by tributing other monsters.
- Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy x1: Negates spells and redirects attacks to itself.

Key Combos
- The White Stone of Ancients + Return of the Dragon Lords: Send The White Stone of Ancients to the graveyard to special summon a Blue-Eyes, then use Return of the Dragon Lords to bring back another dragon.
- Sage with Eyes of Blue + Effect Veiler: Use Sage to search for Effect Veiler, which can then be used to negate opponent's monster effects during their turn.
- Dragon’s Mirror + Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon: Use Dragon’s Mirror to fuse Blue-Eyes Alternative and other Blue-Eyes monsters into powerful fusion dragons like Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
Gameplay Tips
- Early Summons: Focus on summoning Blue-Eyes White Dragon or Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon early to apply pressure.
- Control: Utilize hand traps like Ash Blossom and field control cards like Skill Drain to disrupt your opponent’s strategy.
- Fusion and Synchro: Aim to bring out your fusion and synchro monsters as they provide strong offensive and defensive capabilities.

Blue Eyes Sample Deck List
- Monsters (21)
- Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3
- Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon x2
- The White Stone of Ancients x3
- The White Stone of Legend x1
- Sage with Eyes of Blue x2
- Effect Veiler x1
- Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3
- Nebula Dragon x2
- Dragon Spirit of White x1
- Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon x1
- Chaos Dragon Levianeer x1
- Spells (15)
- The Melody of Awakening Dragon x3
- Return of the Dragon Lords x2
- Dragon’s Mirror x2
- Trade-In x2
- Cards of Consonance x2
- Monster Reborn x1
- Harpie's Feather Duster x1
- Lightning Storm x2
- Traps (4)
- Skill Drain x2
- True Light x2
Extra Deck (15 cards)
- Fusión
- Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1
- Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon x1
- Five-Headed Dragon x1
- Synchro
- Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon x1
- Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon x1
- Black Rose Moonlight Dragon x1
- Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy x1
- Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis x1
- Number 97: Draglubion x1
- Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon x1
- Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder x1
- Link
- Anima x1
- Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres x2